Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Management Communications with Technology Tools Research Paper

Management Communications with Technology Tools - Research Paper Example The supervisors may at times also be abusive; this may cause the subordinates to also act in an abusive manner, especially when they are not of the reason behind the supervisor’s abusive behavior. Therefore, there is a need to find the cause of the supervisor-subordinate problems as well as provide solutions so as to increase productivity.   The content of the paper will mainly be based on previous studies by various scholars who have researched on the issue with a view to provide a solution. Various authors and scholars have addressed supervisor-subordinate problems. Elangovan & Xle carried out a study which demonstrated that perceived power from supervisors was more robustly associated to an increase in motivation and a decrease in stress for subordinates with low self-esteem than for the ones with high self-esteem† (Elangovan & Xle, 1999). In an attempt to solve this problem, Herbert Blake came up with the DIRECT approach (Blake, 2004). In this approach, each letter has a meaning; D-Develop, meaning that supervisors should help their subordinates develop whatever is required of them in carrying out their duty. I-Involve, meaning that supervisors should involve their subordinates in decisions referring to them. ... meaning that supervisors should maintain positive communication with their subordinates and also, the subordinates should feel free to communicate with their supervisors. T-Trust, meaning that supervisors and subordinates should trust each other to ensure smooth running of the organization (Blake, 2004).According to Blake, the DIRECT approach would solve the problems in the communication between subordinates and supervisors if followed. Kutz and Kahn (1978) worked together in an attempt to provide a solution to the communication problem. The pair divided communication into five parts. The first part is job instructions, this where the supervisor gives an explanation on what is expected to be done by the subordinates. This promotes go od relations between supervisors and subordinates as it minimizes possible lack of fulfilling the requirements. The second part of communication is the information rationale; this is where the supervisor explains to the subordinate why a certain job should be done in a particular way. This promotes good understanding to the subordinate and leads to increased productivity in the organization. The third part of communication is procedures and practices; this is where the supervisor informs the subordinates the general manner in which jobs are accomplished within an organization. This promotes good working relations between the supervisors and subordinates and increases their productivity. The fourth part of communication according to Kutz and Kahn is feedback; this is where the supervisor gets back to the subordinates in relations with their performance in the organization. The feedback motivates the subordinates to keep on improving in doing their job and as a result improving the or ganization’s productivity.  Ã‚  

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